Time |
Details |
Time |
Details |
1900 |
Evening event starts |
1900 |
Live feeds + edited footage |
(meet & greet) |
from past events and suitable |
film footage + photo's |
1930 |
Evening meal starts |
Sponsor Names displayed |
2030 |
Meal service ends |
2045 |
Welcome address - J Willis |
2045 |
Live feed + Roll of Honour |
2100 |
Swing Band first session |
2100 |
Logo & Sponsor names |
Dancing |
2215 |
Tombola - John Willis, Bill |
2215 |
Live feed |
Robinson & Joe Merchant |
2300 |
Swing Band 2nd Session |
2300 |
Logo & Sponsor names |
Dancing |
0015 |
Band ends |
0015 |
Closing Speeches and thanks |
0015 |
Live feed |
John Willis, Bill Robinson & |
Joe Merchant |
0020 |
Party Music and dancing |
0020 |
Video effects |
0100 |
Event ends???? (actual time |
subject to attendance) |